Last Updated: July 16, 2023
Welcome to the Big Gay Cruise! To guarantee a delightful and unforgettable journey for everyone, we request your cooperation with our Code of Conduct. This policy is designed with the health and safety of all our guests as a top priority.
Follow the RCCL Code of Conduct: All guests are required to follow the Guest Conduct Policy of Royal Caribbean. This includes, but is not limited to, adhering to all safety guidelines, being respectful to staff and fellow passengers, and avoiding disruptive behavior.
Royal Caribbean Guest health/Safety and Conduct Policy
Dress Code:At Big Gay Cruise, we champion self-expression and encourage our guests to showcase their unique style, while also prioritizing the comfort and respect of everyone on board. In our commitment to fostering a body-positive environment, we want to ensure that no one feels out of place, judged, or intimidated by anyone’s body type. We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, making it a priority that all attire worn at our events and throughout the cruise is appropriate, not sexually explicit, and respectful of all guests.
To this end, we require that shirts, shoes, and pants (or equivalent coverage) be worn at all times during our events to maintain a respectful and inclusive atmosphere. While we encourage creativity and expressive fashion choices, we must also adhere to standards that prevent any form of nudity or clothing deemed sexually explicit, in line with Royal Caribbean’s dress code policies.
Our late-night events, rated PG-13 and designed primarily for adult audiences, are conducted with a high standard of taste and decorum. We strive to create a fun, inclusive, and respectful environment where every guest can enjoy the festivities comfortably and safely, without fear of judgment or discomfort due to their body type. Our aim is to ensure that everyone can participate in the joy and excitement of the Big Gay Cruise, feeling celebrated and welcome within the guidelines set by the cruise line.
Dining Room Attire: Guests are expected to dress in smart casual attire in dining rooms. While we celebrate self-expression, beachwear, tank tops, and flip-flops are discouraged during dinner hours.
Footwear: -For your safety, always wear appropriate footwear, especially in wet areas like the pool deck, to prevent slips and falls.
RCCL Dress Code Policy
Respect for Themed Nights: If the cruise has themed nights or parties, participate respectfully. Costumes should not be offensive or overly revealing.
Travel Documentation: Ensure you carry the necessary travel documentation for all ports of call. The cruise line is not responsible for guests denied entry due to lack of proper documents.
RCCL Travel Documentation Policy
Payment Deadlines: Final payment for the cruise must be made by the specified deadline. Failure to make the payment on time will result in the forfeiture of your reservation. Please note that this policy is strict and exceptions will not be made.
Non-Refundable Deposit: All deposits made toward the Big Gay Cruise are non-refundable. This policy is in place to ensure that we can provide the best experience possible for all our guests.
Booking with Big Gay Cruise Directly: To gain access to our private events, you must be booked with Big Gay Cruise directly. If you’ve booked through another agency or third-party, you will not be granted access to these exclusive events. Some exceptions are made, and All Access Pass are increased for guests booked with third party travel agents or directly with Royal Caribbean.
All Access Pass: In addition to the cruise fare, an All Access Pass is required for each passenger. This fee grants access to private events and exclusive onboard entertainment. Every guest wishing to attend these events must have paid this fee in full. All Access Pass fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Private Event Admittance: Our private events are exclusive to guests who have booked directly with us and have paid the required All Access Pass fee. Proper identification and proof of payment will be required for entry.
Punctuality for Events: If you’ve signed up for onboard activities or workshops, please arrive on time. Latecomers may not be admitted once the event has started.
Queueing: Whether it’s for an onboard activity, event or disembarkation at a port, always queue in an orderly manner. Skipping the line or saving spots is discouraged.
Respect Authority: Always follow directions given by both ship and shore-side staff. They are here to ensure your safety and the smooth operation of all onboard activities.
Respect for All: We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespect towards other guests or staff will not be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from the ship.
Respect for Ship Facilities: Damaging or defacing any part of the ship is strictly prohibited. Any damage caused will be charged to the responsible guest’s onboard account.
Respecting Artworks: Do not touch or deface artworks displayed around the ship. They are there for the enjoyment of all and should be treated with respect.
Use of Public Restrooms: Please use the restroom that corresponds with your gender identity. Harassment or discrimination against any guest for their choice of restroom will not be tolerated.
Courtesy Towards Guest Speakers: If attending lectures or talks by guest speakers, listen respectfully, and avoid interrupting or speaking loudly.
Courtesy to Performers and Staff: During performances, please refrain from talking loudly, using flash photography, or causing disruptions. Always show respect and appreciation to the onboard entertainers and staff.
Room Service: Please be courteous to staff delivering room service. Use the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign if you wish not to be disturbed.
Respect for Crew’s Private Quarters: Do not enter crew-only areas or the private quarters of the ship’s crew
Cabin Noise: Use headphones for music or movies, especially during quiet hours. Be aware of the volume of your conversations, especially late at night or early morning.
Safety First: While we want everyone to have fun, safety is our top priority. Any behavior deemed unsafe or harmful to oneself or others will be addressed immediately and may result in disciplinary actions.
Alcohol Consumption: While we encourage guests to enjoy themselves, responsible drinking is a must. Overconsumption or providing alcohol to minors will result in immediate action, which may include removal from the ship.
Zero Tolerance for Drugs: The possession or use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Any guest found in possession will be removed from the ship and may face legal consequences.
No Smoking Areas: For the comfort and safety of all our guests, smoking (including e-cigarettes) is only permitted in designated areas. Please refrain from smoking in non-smoking zones, including cabins and balconies.
Personal Mobility Devices: If you use personal mobility devices, ensure they are stored safely without obstructing hallways or exits. Charging devices should not be left unattended.
Personal Hygiene: For the comfort of all guests, maintain good personal hygiene. This includes regular showers and using deodorant, especially after using the fitness facilities.
Pool and Jacuzzi Etiquette: Please shower before using the pool or Jacuzzi. Proper swim attire is required. For the safety of all guests, jumping or diving into the pool is strictly prohibited.
Use of Amenities: The ship’s amenities, including the gym, spa, and sports facilities, are for the enjoyment of all guests. Please follow posted guidelines and respect time limits if others are waiting.
Onboard Activities: Participation in onboard activities is at your own risk. Please follow safety guidelines and listen to instructions from staff members.
Elevators: Please prioritize the elderly, guests with disabilities, and parents with strollers when using the elevators. If you can use the stairs, especially for short distances, please do so to keep traffic flowing.
Public Behavior: Public displays of affection should remain respectful and not overly intimate. Behavior that is deemed inappropriate or offensive may be subject to action by the ship’s security.
Appropriate Behavior in Adult-only Areas: Adult-only areas, such as certain bars or lounges, should be respected. No minors are allowed.
Spa and Relaxation Areas: Speak in hushed tones and switch mobile devices to silent mode. Always shower before entering communal baths or saunas. Additionally, to uphold the respect and privacy of all our guests, engaging in sexual activities in the steam rooms or any other communal spa areas is strictly prohibited.
Spa Appointments: If you’re unable to attend a booked spa appointment, cancel within the stipulated time frame to avoid cancellation charges
Theater Etiquette: Arrive on time for performances and avoid leaving until intermission or the end. Keep chatter to a minimum during the show.
Private Parties: If you’re hosting or attending a private gathering in a guest room, remember to keep noise levels down, especially during quiet hours, and ensure the number of attendees does not exceed the room’s capacity.
Cabin Decorations: While personalizing your cabin space is allowed, avoid using materials that can damage or leave residues on doors or walls, such as adhesive tapes or tacks.
Lost and Found: If you find an item that doesn’t belong to you, please turn it in to the guest services desk. If you’ve lost something, inquire at the same desk.
RCCL Lost and Found Policy
Pets and Service Animals: Only certified service animals are allowed on board. Guests must provide documentation, and the service animal must wear an identification harness at all times.
RCCL Service Animal Policy
Emergency Situations: In the event of an emergency, remain calm and listen for announcements. Always follow crew member instructions promptly.
Prohibited Items: Items such as candles, incense, or any open flames, irons are not allowed in guest rooms or public areas due to fire safety regulations. RCCL Prohibited items Policy
No Solicitation: Unauthorized solicitation or distribution of materials on the ship is prohibited.
Gaming Areas: Respect age restrictions in the casino and gaming areas. Fraudulent behavior or cheating will result in expulsion from the area and potential removal from the ship.
Use of Fitness Equipment: Wipe down equipment after use and return weights and other equipment to their designated places.
Art Auctions: If you participate in art auctions, understand that winning bids are final. Make sure to handle artworks with care when viewing.
Safekeeping of Valuables: While onboard safes are provided in each cabin, the cruise line is not responsible for the loss of personal items. It’s recommended to leave valuable items at home or use the onboard safe.
Personal Belongings: Keep personal belongings like bags or shoes out of walkways to prevent tripping hazards.
Luggage Handling: For the safety of all, do not leave luggage unattended in public areas. Luggage should be stored in your room or given to staff for safekeeping.
Lost Room Keys: If you lose your room key, report it immediately to guest services.
Electronic Device Charging: Only use designated charging stations or the outlets in your cabin. Do not leave devices charging unattended to avoid potential fire hazards.
Personal Mobility Devices: If you use personal mobility devices, ensure they are stored safely without obstructing hallways or exits. Charging devices should not be left unattended.
Minimizing Waste: Please be mindful of waste. Use recycling bins where provided and avoid taking more food than you can eat at buffet stations.
Medical Declarations: If you have a medical condition that may require attention during the cruise, inform the ship’s medical team in advance.
Public Health: Always wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom. Utilize hand sanitizers located throughout the ship.
Special Dietary Needs: If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, inform the dining staff in advance so they can accommodate your needs.
Fire Safety: Familiarize yourself with the ship’s fire safety procedures. Do not tamper with fire safety equipment, including fire extinguishers and alarms.
Personal Cooking: For fire safety reasons, personal cooking devices, such as hot plates or rice cookers, are not allowed in staterooms.
Safety Drills: Participation in mandatory safety drills is required for all guests. These drills are for your safety and are non-negotiable.
Attendance at Mandatory Briefings: Attend all mandatory guest briefings, including those regarding health and safety protocols, especially during times of heightened health concerns.
Balcony Safety: Climbing, sitting, or leaning over balcony railings is strictly forbidden. Balconies are smoke-free zones.
Avoiding Overcrowding: For safety reasons, avoid overcrowding in any part of the ship, especially in elevators or designated assembly areas during drills.
Reporting Suspicious Activities: If you observe any suspicious activity or behavior, please report it immediately to ship security.
Compliance with Local Laws: When in port, guests are subject to local laws and regulations. Always conduct yourself respectfully and responsibly.
Onboard Shops: Remember to pay for all items you wish to purchase. Shoplifting will result in immediate action, including potential removal from the ship.
Use of Drones: The use of drones is strictly prohibited onboard and at ports of call unless with prior written permission from the ship’s management.
Considerate Conversation: Avoid discussing sensitive or potentially divisive topics in public areas. Always strive for harmonious interactions with fellow guests.
Use of Recreational Equipment: Any onboard recreational equipment, such as ping pong paddles or board games, should be returned to their designated places after use.
Onboard Purchases: All onboard purchases will be charged to your room’s account. Regularly review your account for accuracy..
Adherence to Posted Signs: Always adhere to signs posted around the ship, whether they indicate a restricted area, provide safety instructions, or give directional guidance.
Disposal of Waste: Do not dispose of any waste, including paper or sanitary products, in toilets. Use designated bins.
Limitation on Alcohol Brought Onboard: Guests are not allowed to bring beer or hard liquor onboard for consumption or any other use. On embarkation day, each guest of drinking age may bring one (1) sealed 750 ml bottle of wine or champagne. Boxed wine and other containers are prohibited. Guests who purchase alcohol bottles onboard, in a port-of-call, or bring more than the one permitted bottle on boarding day, will have their items safely stored by the ship. These bottles will be returned on the last day onboard for enjoyment once home. RCCL Alcohol Policy
Wildlife and Environment: Remember that we are guests of the sea. Do not throw anything overboard, and always be respectful of marine life, especially when partaking in shore excursions.
Avoid Feeding Wildlife: Do not feed any wildlife, including birds, during shore excursions or while onboard.
Feedback and Concerns: If you have any concerns or feedback about the ship or RCCL please approach the guest services desk.
Concerns directly related to Big Gay Cruise events should be handled at the help desk during posted hours for the sailing or by contacting a BGC staff member.a survey will be sent to each BGC guest at the end of the cruise, please provide your open and honest feedback. BGC uses this feedback to improve each sailing!
By following these extensive rules, every guest contributes to a harmonious, respectful, and safe environment onboard. Cooperation is key to ensuring a wonderful cruise experience for everyone. Thank you for your understanding and adherence! Safe journey!